Restorative Justice

The Long Beach City Prosecutor’s Office Restorative Justice Program needs volunteer panelist and facilitators.

Long Beach is starting its first restorative justice program, and we need community members who want to be a part of making our City better and safer.

The City Prosecutor’s Restorative Justice Program diverts low-level from the criminal justice system into restorative justice practices. In the program, volunteer facilitators and panelist are trained to participate in conferences with offenders, hear the facts of each case, and help design a non traditional outcome that is fair and proportionate to hold the offender accountable. All of this is done outside the courtroom in a less formal environment.

How does the Restorative Justice Program Work?

The Long Beach City Prosecutor will divert certain eligible cases into the Restorative Justice Program. While participation is voluntary and confidential, offenders must be willing to take responsibility for their actions that caused harm. Victims are also invited to participate so the offender can learn how his/her actions have affected others. A panel of trained community volunteers hold a conference with the offender and victim (if applicable) in an informal space. During the conference, volunteers, panelist, and offenders discuss harms caused to the victim (if applicable) and the community and the root of why the crime happened. Panelist and offenders work together to select specific, reasonable, attainable, and restorative directives.

Once the offender successfully completes the directives, the charge(s) will not be filed against the offender and there will be no record of conviction. If needed, the offender may be referred to additional services offered in the community. If the case is not resolved in the City Prosecutor’s restorative Justice Program, it will subject to the traditional court process.

Requirements to become a volunteer Panelist of Facilitator:

  • Complete the application.
  • Pass a background check (Immigrant status will not be checked).
  • Complete volunteer Facilitator and Panelist training and observe two Neighborhood Restorative Justice Program Conferences.
  • Two-year time commitment (1 year if student).
  • Interested in becoming a volunteer?

Questions? Email Laura Reimer at or call 562-570-5610

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